Selasa, 8 September 2015

Cleaning our house

Cleaning our houses is not the easiest task. Whether we clean frequently or once a month, everyone wants to ease the cleaning process since it takes a lot of our time. Therefore, this is a list of several creative and useful cleaning tips.

Cleaning sponge
Did you know that bacteria begin spreading in your cleaning sponge? This poses a threat for the dishes. In order to get rid of the bacteria, put the sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Washing machine
Pour 2 cups of vinegar in the washing machine and set the machine for around 1 hour. Start over the machine again for another complete cycle. If you see some dirt, scrub it down with a sponge and white vinegar. Now, pour 2 cups of bleach and let it soak for 1 hour. Moreover, use cotton swabs to clean the nooks, crannies, knobs and lids. Restart the machine and turn it on for one complete cycle again. Once done, your washing machine will be clean and shiny.

You can use fabric softener sheets to clean dirty baseboards.

Carpet and mattress stains
This mixture will help you remove all stains from the carpets and mattresses in no time. Mix hydrogen peroxide and dish soap and use the mixture for cleaning the stains.

Water stains on taps
Although these stains reappear all the time in the kitchen and bathroom, there is a way to keep them from appearing. Take a wax paper and rub it over the taps. This will prevent water spots and fingerprints from appearing.

Toilet rings
Drop a piece of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and leave it like that overnight. You will be surprised how clean the toilet rings will be the next morning!

Fragrant rooms
Making your house smell nice is also an important part of the cleaning process, especially if you are expecting guests, and not all room fresheners smell great. Here is a nice solution that will make your house smell divinely:

2 bottle caps of pure vanilla extract
1 cup of coffee
Mix the ingredients in a bowl and keep it in the oven at a temperature of 300 degree F for 1 hour. This will make your home smell beautifully.

Sticky mess
This is a difficult task as well, but there is a simple trick that will help you clean the stains. Mix equal quantities of coconut oil and baking soda.

Fill your bathtub with hot water. It will double the effectiveness of alkaline cleansers.

Light bulbs
Even if your entire home is clean, dirty light bulbs are an unpleasant view. In order to ease the process of cleaning the bulbs, use a microfiber cloth.

These were some of the most useful cleaning tricks that we must bear in mind when we do our next cleaning spree. Save up on your cleaning time by following these useful tips.

Source: TimesFull

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